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Conditions of Use

The use of this website is subject to the following conditions. Accessing this website and using the material contained herein implies that you have read and accepted these conditions without reservation.

Company Information

PALIBEX LOGÍSTICA, S.L.U. Address: C/ Montejo 4. Polígono Industrial de Villaverde. 28021 Madrid.
For more information, contact us at 902 444 555 or by email at: [email protected].
PALIBEX LOGÍSTICA, S.L.U. is registered in the Companies Registry of Madrid, Volume 29.521, Folio 33, Section 8, Page M-531283, Inscription 1ª with CIF#: B-86375755.

Conditions of Use

The following provisions regulate the use of the website which PALIBEX LOGÍSTICA makes available to Users.


The PALIBEX LOGÍSTICA website has been designed to provide Users with general information about the company, its activities and services. Users are understood as all persons accessing or navigating our website.


In general, Users may access without restriction and free of charge. PALIBEX LOGÍSTICA may modify unilaterally and without prior notice the services, configuration or content of the website as well as the conditions of use and access to services provided.


The Intellectual Property Rights of this website are the property of PALIBEX LOGÍSTICA. Accordingly, its contents (graphic design, texts and codes) can be modified at any time without prior notice. The provision of services and the publication of the contents on the web shall not imply at any moment a renunciation or transmission, in whole or in part, of intellectual and industrial property rights. Thus, any reproduction, distribution, commercialisation or transformation of the contents of the website, not specifically authorised by its holders, shall be considered an infringement of intellectual and industrial property rights protected by article 270 and subsequent articles of the Spanish Penal Code.

Applicable Law and Jurisdiction

Any lawsuit or claim concerning the website shall be subject to Spanish law; whereby any controversy derived or related to the use of this website shall be subject to the Courts of the City of Madrid (Spain), The present Conditions of Use shall be subject to Spanish law. In the event of any dispute or discrepancy related to the interpretation and application of these Conditions of Use, PALIBEX LÓGISTICA and the User expressly renounce any other jurisdiction to which they may have a right and hereby agree to be subject to the jurisdiction of the Courts of the City of Madrid. In the case the User is domiciled outside of Spain, the User hereby agrees to be subject to the jurisdiction of the Courts of the City of Madrid (Spain), waiving the right to any other jurisdiction to which they may be entitled.

Data Privacy

The personal information of Users received by PALIBEX LOGÍSTICA is handled with the maximum confidentiality and used exclusively for the purposes indicated in each case.

Some services included in this website, particularly the submission of curriculum forms, require the collection of personal information. To provide its services, PALIBEX LOGÍSTICA must collect certain User information considered essential. During the data collection process, the User will be informed of the need for this information. If obligatory information is not provided, it may not be possible to provide the services included in this website. PALIBEX LOGÍSTICA has adopted the security and data protection measures required by the Personal Data Protection Act (Organic Law 15/1999, December 13) and other related legal regulations, according to the nature of the information collected. Pursuant to said legislation and in order to protect the privacy and confidentiality of personal information, PALIBEX LOGÍSTICA informs Users that their personal information will be incorporated into an automated file, duly registered in the General Register of the Spanish Data Protection Agency to which the User may have access for verification purposes. This personal data is used exclusively for the purposes indicated in the forms completed by Users as well as commercial, advertising or marketing purposes, understanding that when completing the form and submitting personal information or sending e-mails, the User expressly consents to the handling of this information on the part of the company.

PALIBEX LOGÍSTICA has adopted the security and data protection measures required by the Personal Data Protection Act (Organic Law 15/1999, December 13) and other related legal regulations, according to the nature of the information collected. Pursuant to said legislation and in order to protect the privacy and confidentiality of personal information, PALIBEX LOGÍSTICA informs Users that their personal information will be incorporated into an automated file, duly registered in the General Register of the Spanish Data Protection Agency to which the User may have access for verification purposes. This personal data is used exclusively for the purposes indicated in the forms completed by Users as well as commercial, advertising or marketing purposes, understanding that when completing the form and submitting personal information or sending e-mails, the User expressly consents to the handling of this information on the part of the company.

This file is the responsibility of PALIBEX LOGÍSTICA S.L.U. The User may exercise their rights established by law and, in particular, the right to access, rectification or cancelation of personal information and opposition of the handling of the same where applicable. Said rights can be exercised by the User, or by a legal representative, by means of a written and signed request sent to: PALIBEX LOGÍSTICA S.L.U., C/ Montejo 4. Polígono Industrial de Villaverde. 28021 Madrid.

This request must include the following information: Full name of the User, domicile for the purposes of notification, photocopy of the User’s DNI or passport and the specific rights being exercised.
PALIBEX LOGÍSTICA will safeguard the personal information it has collected and adopt the necessary measures to prevent their alteration, loss, unauthorised handling or access. PALIBEX LOGÍSTICA will comply with these requirements as established by law, guaranteeing at all time the confidentiality and security of User information which will not be ceded nor transmitted to third parties.

Our website does not use cookies nor any other application to identify specific Users nor collect personal browsing information without User consent. However, the company reserves the right to modify its criteria in the use of cookies.

For more information, contact us at: [email protected] or at 902 444 555.